
Beginning To Bloom: Pruning Roses 101

rose pruningWinter pruning is the most important part of care for your roses all year long. January and February are the best months of the year to remove dead branches and prune your roses in preparation for spring. This post will talk about all the essentials in rose pruning from when, where, and how to prune your roses this month. Having a fully blooming backyard is one of the joys of spring and we are dedicated to helping our customers get their landscape ready for the beauty of spring. Beginning to bloom starts with pre-spring care.

Why Now?

Well, because your rose bushes are likely dormant in the winter months, they will be reawakening as February moves towards spring weather. Dormant means that your plants are still alive but they are not producing leaves or buds in order to preserve energy and survive the winter weather. Your roses are a vital part of your Sacramento Landscape so be sure to take some time in the coming weeks to prune them for their winter months.

How to Prune Roses?

Pruning roses must be done the right way or else you could risk killing an entire bush. Start by making sure that you have sterile clippers. Because roses are so sensitive your plants need to have the right care at the right times in order to best last all year long. Then select the branches you will be removing. Make sure that they are not large segments that the plant relies on sustenance and then clip the roses at a forty-five degree angle. Pictures is a step by step guide of where to prune or trim off of a rose bush first. What you are doing is removing the dead parts in order to make room for new growth uninhibited by older segments.rose pruning 3

Dead heading is a part of rose pruning that you are likely familiar with and have not practiced in some months. It is the process of removing dead buds from the roses. It allows for you to relieve the plant of some of the parts that drain it of sustenance or where it might waste energy trying to revive a dead rose. Cut below the dead buds at a forty five degree angle once more.

Where should you be pruning your plant?

When you prune your rose bushes here are some places where you will want to focus. First, remove all of the last year’s growth. Start with medium branches then work your way down. Then remove interior crossing branches where roses will not be able to bloom. Then, remove any dead wood from the base and thin weak littler bit of growth. Finally, remove sucker from the rootstock. Those little sucks that look like they are trying to start their own branch are a waste of energy and will never produce blooms.


Your Roseville landscape design can be beautiful year after year with the proper care and growth. Make sure to plan for some maintenance this month to see the beautiful results in the coming months.



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